Episode 13: Jocelyn Tunney and Sasha Duerr – Organic fiber, realizing dreams, regeneration and permaculture

Making show

Summary: I’m very excited to share the thirteenth episode of the Woolful podcast. Today we get to meet two amazing women who’ve focused their lives and businesses on sustainability and helping bring awareness to what you live and make with, <a href="http://www.permacouture.org/" target="_blank">Sasha Duerr of Permacouture</a> and <a href="http://o-wool.com/" target="_blank">Jocelyn Tunney of O-Wool</a>.<br>  <br> <a href="http://fancytigercrafts.com"></a><br>  <br> Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by <a href="https://www.fancytigercrafts.com" target="_blank">Fancy Tiger Crafts</a>, a beautiful yarn shop based out of Denver, Colorado, who recently launched their online shop, <a href="https://www.fancytigercrafts.com" target="_blank">fancytigercrafts.com</a>. They have an amazing selection of fabrics and yarns, including their own <a href="https://www.fancytigercrafts.com/yarn/fancy-tiger-crafts/heirloom-romney" target="_blank">Heirloom Romney Yarn</a>, which is grown, milled and dyed here in the US. Make sure to visit Fancy Tiger Crafts in person when in Denver and online at <a href="https://www.fancytigercrafts.com" target="_blank">fancytigercrafts.com</a>.<br> <a href="http://woolful.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/fancy.jpg"></a><br> Fiber folk 1: Jocelyn is a very special entrepreneur who’s had a unique fiber journey that led her to own and build O-Wool, a wonderful yarn company that focuses on sustainable and organic fibers, including a certified organically grown and processed, machine washable yarn. You can find Jocelyn at <a href="http://o-wool.com" target="_blank">O-Wool.com</a> and on Instagram <a href="http://instagram.com/owool" target="_blank">@owool</a>.<br> <a href="http://woolful.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/owool2.jpg"></a><br> Man on the street: For this week’s “Man on the Street” I changed it up a bit and asked a handful of fiber enthusiasts to ask me a question and I’d answer one. Brienne Moody asked a great question about time management, how to make time for making, but also planning and reflecting on what you’re creating.<br> Fiber folk 2: Our next guest, Sasha Duerr has a background rich in permaculture, regenerative design and thoughtful making and consuming that has been a huge inspiration to me ever since I came across her “Seasonal Color Wheel” which is a beautifully painted color wheel poster which illustrates the palette of natural dyes available from seasonal plants common to the bay area, based on mordants used and time of year. You can find this color wheel for sale at <a href="interfaceartgallery.com" target="_blank">interfaceartgallery.com</a>. You can find Sasha at <a href="http://www.permacouture.org/" target="_blank">permacouture.org</a> and on Instagram <a href="http://instagram.com/sashaduerr" target="_blank">@sashaduerr</a>.<br> <a href="http://woolful.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/sasha.jpg"></a><br> Giveaway: The winner of last week’s giveaway, is Leslie Eaton! You’ve won a skein of Hole and Sons yarn and a pair of Brittany double point needles. Congratulations!<br> This week’s giveaway is sponsored by O-Wool, and we’re giving away three skeins of <a href="http://o-wool.com/collections/yarns/products/local" target="_blank">O-Wool’s Local</a>, a gorgeous organic merino and alpaca blend yarn, so you can make Jocelyn’s <a href="http://o-wool.com/collections/patterns-cowls-scarves-shawls/products/blue-bell-hill-scarf" target="_blank">Blue Bell Hill Scarf Pattern</a>. To enter this giveaway, leave a comment below.<br> <a href="http://woolful.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/owoolgive.jpg"></a><br> This week we’re beginning the March Woolful Knitalong. I have been waiting weeks to start on this and am so excited March is here! We’ll be knitting the <a href="http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/moto-vest" target="_blank">Moto Vest</a>, designed by Shelli Westcott, owner of <a href="http://shop.knitterly.net/" target="_blank">Knitterly</a> and creator of