200 | Sahara Rose Ketabi on Ayurveda, Writing, Purpose and Dharma, Manifestation, Meeting Deepak Chopra + more


Summary: Two-hundred episodes of this podcast seems like a huge milestone I'm pretty proud of. This week's conversation with guest Sahara Rose is a long one, yet I never wanted it to end. We take a deep dive intro her wellness speciality: Ayurveda (she literally wrote the Idiot's Guide to Ayurveda). She fully breaks down Ayurveda is, including what doshas are, her top Ayurveda tips utilizing it in daily life, dharma, how chakras connect to it, shamanic shaking, tongue-scraping and more. This episode is robust and packed with ancient wisdom that Sarah has modernized brilliantly. Her advice on family is one of the best answers I've gotten on that subject  and she tells a magical story of a meaningful coincidence that changed her life and mine once I heard her tell it.