Ep00: How We Turned $7,500 to $10,000 in 7 days - From Our iPhone

Crypto Trading 101 | Surfing the crypto and stock market show

Summary: <a href="http://i2.wp.com/www.lifestyletrading101.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/quotesPhone.png"></a>Show Notes<br> To check the price of SPY:<br> <br> * On your browser, go to finance.yahoo.com – and search “SPY”<br> * Download the <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/investing.com-stocks-forex/id909998122?mt=8">investing.com app</a> (free, iOS) – type in “SPY” in the search at the top right – then select S&amp;P500. Rotate your phone and make sure the candle stick chart is selected at the top.<br> <br> Transcript<br> Today is Friday, December 11, 2015 –this is SilverSurfer — former hedge fund and prop desk trader turned lifestyle trader<br> –and wow – what a big day in the markets. The S&amp;P closed down 1.94% today and we actually just realized $2,500 in profits from our high-probability bet last Friday just 7 days ago –turning $7,500 to $10,000 in  just 7 days. On a smaller scale, you can think of it as turning $750 to $1,000 in same period for time.  And actually, if the markets didn’t do anything today – just stayed where it was — or even gone up — we still would’ve realized the $2,500 — that’s the beauty of our strategy.  We also initiated a new trade yesterday buying puts that we sent out to our members and that one is already up more than $2,000 today.<br> <a href="http://i1.wp.com/www.lifestyletrading101.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/IMG_0225.png"></a><br>  <br>  <br>  <br> Now you might be wondering how this podcast is different from other podcasts — well, here we take mobile-focused way of making real money in the markets. Yes, we these are our real trades with real money. — and each day we post an update on our blog over a lifestyletrading101.com/blog –so everything is documented.  we only do 1 trade a week. What do I mean by being mobile-focused?  Well,  we do everything right from our mobile phones and we show you how you can, too. We don’t do hundreds of trades per week like some traders do — that would require us to constantly go in and out. We don’t have time for that, and frankly, neither do you. The lifestyle trader approach is about living the lifestyle you want and doesn’t require you to sit in front of a computer screen watching every tick. So our mobile-focused approach teaches you how to do just 1 trade each week.<br>  <br> We give you high probability trades so you can go on with the rest of your life and check in here and there. We can’t promise every trade will be a winner, but we generally only share what we believe have at least an 80% chance of success. Each week we place just 1 high probability trade at LifeStyleTrading101.com — and we talk about it right here in this podcast–along with any forecasts we might have for where the market is going.<br>  <br> <a href="http://i2.wp.com/www.lifestyletrading101.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/IMG_0222.png"></a><br> So that’s a bit about what makes this podcast unique—real money, real trades — right on your phone.<br>  <br> Now, onto this week’s update – we just realized profits of $2,500 and we sent text alerts out to our members for trades going into next week. First – the $2,500. How did I make $2,500 tapping a few buttons on my iPhone? <br>  <br> You see, 7 days ago, we put on a bet that the SPY ((the exchange traded fund – ETF — that tracks the most popular S&amp;P500 stock index ) would stay below $210 when it was priced around $208. Well, today it closed at 201.88. If you want to check for yourself where the SPY is trading at – you can go to finance.yahoo.com and type in SPY in the search bar — or better yet on your iPhone device, download the investing.com app once you have it downloaded — at th...