#039: Philip Dalidakis MP: Working hard is a public service

Uncommon | Learn From Unique Individuals, The Ultimate Way To Improve Yourself show

Summary: For show notes and links: neuralle.com/podcast  Philip Dalidakis MP ( @philipdalidakis ) is the Victorian Minister for Trade Investment, Innovation the Digital Economy, and Small Business. In addition, he is also MP for the Southern Metro area. Phil is a unique individual, a life-long St Kilda supporter (something I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemies) and a politician who genuinely cares for building the infrastructure that will allow Victorian businesses to succeed, while setting up a future that his children can be proud of. I believe it’s incredibly important that we engage and understand the leaders of our community. For the Startup Innovation sector across Australia, this will be a useful conversation for considering the goals of Phil and his team in the community. I hope that this interview will showcase that politicians are just ordinary people, tasked with a never-ending list of priorities, a mob of people looking to get something out of of them, all the while trying to navigate our future. Key topics of conversation included: St Kilda FC Jewish history What he’s learnt from his family Why Philip got into politics Victoria as a startup hub About LaunchVic How Israel invests Enjoy the episode, Jordan Lauren