The Future of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Roundtable

The Syndicate show

Summary: The Syndicate hosted The Future of Cryptocurrencies/Blockchain Live Streamed Round Table on 11/28/17<br>  <br> <br> Our expert panelists include: Gil Penchina, Andy Bromberg, Lou Kerner and Joey Krug<br> Gil Penchina’s one of the top super angels of all time, with investments in Ripple, Brave, Polychain, Paypal, Filecoin, Civic, Linkedin, Cruise Automation, Dollar Shave Club, Wealthfront, Discord, Fastly and a name as good as gold. Prior to that he worked at Ebay through the IPO process and now he runs 20+ syndicates on Angellist with millions in backing. And today he’s venturing to the other side of the table with Pryze, a decentralized sweepstakes system working on an ICO pre-sale. For more on Gil, check out his interview on The Syndicate podcast where we discuss <a href="">How Gil Tried to Lose Money and Hit 5 Unicorns and the Future of Cryptocurrencies</a><br> <br> Joey Krug got involved in Bitcoin mining in 2011 before building Bitcoin point of sale system in 2013. In 2014, he dropped out of Pomona College to cofound one of the first projects on ethereum called Augur, and in 2015 they did the first crowdsale on Ethereum. Then this year he joined Pantera Capitalas Co-Chief Investment Officer managing their digital asset funds… oh, and he also run one of the top 10 (by backing) AngelList syndicates. To learn more about Joey, listen to our interview (the 1st of the podcast), on <a href="">Cryptocurrencies, ICOs and the Future of Public Markets.</a><br> Andy Bromberg is the CEO of CoinList, an innovative ICO launch platform and compliance company responsible for the Filecoin’s $205M ICO success. Spun out of Angellist, Coinlist is already a leader in the token space and has built the trust and success to fuel legitimate, world changing ICOs. Prior to Coinlist, Andy co-founded Sidewire, a startup which raised ~ $5M to connect experts for thought provoking conversations on politics on more.<br> Lou Kerner is the founder and managing partner of’s Israeli Founder fund and the Social Internet fund. Before that, Lou pioneered social media with Bolt, the largest social media company of its time before being conquered by Myspace. Since then Lou has invested in the likes of Palantir, Facebook, Meetup, Klout, Plated and more. And if you missed Lou’s conversation on the podcast, it is a must. <a href="">Offered 1/4 of Facebook for $5M – Plus Israel, Social Media, Cryptocurrencies and Future of Monopolies</a><br> We will cover a wide range of topics from ICOs, the future of cryptocurrencies, the implications and disruptions of blockchain and much much more. Plus there will be a live Q&amp;A session at the end with all our esteemed guests.<br> Want more great round tables and investor interviews. Subscribe today to never miss a thing!<br> Are you an accredited investor? <a href="">Apply to join our angel syndicate if you’d like to access our deal flow.</a><br> The Syndicate hosted The Future of Cryptocurrencies/Blockchain Live Streamed Round Table on 11/28/17<br>  <br> <br> Our expert panelists include: Gil Penchina, Andy Bromberg, Lou Kerner and Joey Krug<br> Gil Penchina’s one of the top super angels of all time, with investments in Ripple, Brave, Polychain, Paypal, Filecoin, Civic, Linkedin, Cruise Automation, Dollar Shave Club, Wealthfront, Discord, Fastly and a name as good as gold. Prior to that he worked at Ebay through the IPO process and now he runs 20+ syndicates on Angellist with millions in backing. And today he’s venturing to the other side of the table with Pryze,