PWS #6: Android or iPhone Know Your Phone Privacy

Photos with Sherita Podcast | Photos + Stories = Love show

Summary: Smartphone Safety Tips<br> <br> <br> Smartphone Safety Tips.<br> Episode #6 of Photos with Sherita is about smartphone safety. In this mini-podcast (under 11 minutes) we share safety tips that start with knowing about your camera's location settings and where to turn it off. Each phone model may be a little different but below are links to articles for both Android and iPhone:<br> <br> How to turn off location settings for Android phones: This article references Samsung Galaxy 5 but it is the same process for Samsung Galaxy 6, 7 &amp; 8.<br> How to turn off location settings for iPhones: This article also tells you how to tell if a photo has a Geotag location embedded in it.<br> <br> Thanks for listening!<br> •Leave an honest review on iTunes<br> •Leave a note for us in the comment section below<br> •Subscribe to the podcast: iTunes | Android | Stitcher<br> <br> Download the mp3 file