Episode 237: You Don’t Lack Discipline, You Lack Motivation. There’s a Difference (FS237)

The Fizzle Show show

Summary: <p>As indie entrepreneurs we live and die by the execution of our ideas. Without the right focus and motivation, discipline alone won’t save you.</p> <p>I find it’s very common for creatives and business builders to feel they lack discipline. We think if we had more discipline <em>then</em> we’d be making more progress on our idea. </p> <p>I don’t agree. You don’t lack discipline, you lack motivation. You lack the internal drive, the clarity and focus of desire, that would make being disciplined almost easy. </p> <p>As I said before, us indie biz people live and die off the ideas we <em>execute</em>. Not the ideas we capture in our Moleskine notebooks, but the ideas we <em>execute</em>. </p> <p>And if you’ve got issue with motivation (or discipline, if you insist), then you’ve got big problems with execution. </p> <p>But here’s what I believe: you <em>deserve</em> to bring your idea to life. You deserve it. You’re not sitting on your ass doing NOTHING; you’re doing things to make it happen… it just sometimes feels like, you know, you don’t do enough, you couldn’t do enough, you’re not enough and you’re never enough. </p> <p>Again, that’s all false. You just haven’t learned how to turn on motivation and channel it at whatever project you want. </p> <p>Show Notes: <a href="http://fizzleshow.co/237">http://fizzleshow.co/237</a></p>