Bluefishing: Steve Sims

Author Hour with Charlie Hoehn show

Summary: Steve Sims is the modern-day Wizard of Oz. For the past 20 years, he’s operated a luxury travel and lifestyle concierge for the rich and famous. His job is to make the impossible possible, and in his new book <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Bluefishing</a>, he reveals how he makes his clients’ wildest dreams come true.<br> In this episode, Steve shares the blueprint for how your company can break down any obstacle, accomplish unbelievable feats, and turn your customer’s dreams into a reality.<br> <br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>Get Steve’s new book <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Bluefishing</a> on Amazon.<br> Find out more at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>.<br> <br> Where did Steve Sims start his professional journey?<br> I am an east London brick layer and I just remember questioning anything, I always used to joke that I was an 18 year old 40 year old. I would always ask “Why?”, to the point of really annoying my teachers, my friends, my family. I always wanted to know, “Why is this the life I got to lead, why have I got to be a brick layer just because my dad’s a brick layer?”<br> It was that constant inquisitive nature of just going, “Well why can’t I walk through that door” and I would walk through that door. That got me into a lot of trouble. As a youngster, people were going, “Look, this is what you do, this is the life that you’ve been dealt with, you know, accept it.”<br> <br> There’s nothing worse than being told to accept anything and as an entrepreneur. You turn to an entrepreneur and go “Hey, this is the way it is, just accept it.”<br> That’s what sent me off, really just trying to find where that square hole was that I could fit in, rather than where I was trying to be forced in.<br>  <br> What led you to start the Blue Fish Group?<br> The complete polar opposite from being a brick layer is a stock broker. I had a friend of mine in London, they were actually going to Hong Kong because there was, at that time, a mass exodus of British stock brokers going over to Asia, looking after something called the Tiger Market in the 80’s.<br> Believe it or not, I actually borrowed my dad’s suit, went into the bank where my friend was working, and talked to the floor manager into actually giving me a job. Somehow, through the connections going out with people, I actually got transferred from London to Hong Kong as a stock broker.<br> <br> I landed on a Saturday, I got dropped with them on a Saturday night, got drunk with them on a Sunday night, did initiation on a Monday, and I was fired on a Tuesday.<br> <br> They realized that they had basically brought someone over to Hong Kong that had no idea what he was doing.<br> My dad is an Irish brick layer and he used to live on certain quotes. I would remember him saying things to me, at the age of like 12, 14, 18, you just got to look at that and you go, “What are you all about?” But then he’d come back and hit you in the head later on. I remember him, especially coming from a tough industry like construction, turning around to me one day and saying:<br> <br> “The fight’s not over when you go down, son. It’s when you stop getting up.”<br> <br> I remember the time going, “What the bloody hell does that mean?” You know? When I lost my job in Hong Kong, it was one of those things that “Alright, lost my job, now what?” I just went out and tried to find something and I ended up working as god created me to, as a doorman of nightclubs.<br> Before you knew it, I just started talking to different people.<br>