Legendary Life Podcast: Fitness I HealthI Nutrition I Healthy Lifestyle For People Over 30+, 40+: 239: Josh Trent: How Technology Is Revolutionizing The Health & Wellness Industry

Best Self Improvement Podcasts - 7 Per week show

Summary: Published on 21 Feb 2017. It’s time to change the way we approach health and fitness. The days when you simply lift weights or go for a run are gone. In this episode, our guest, Josh Trent explains the benefits and risks of self-tracking and looks at: how to choose the right wearable, the biggest problems with wearable tech, tips to prevent tech addiction and much more. Listen now! Brief Bio: Josh Trent, NASM CPT, CES, BCS is the founder of www.wellnessforce.com and host of the Wellness Force Radio Podcast, a top ranked iTunes show in Health, Self-Help, and Fitness & Nutrition that showcases world-class experts in both physical and emotional wellness. Awarded “Top 50 Digital Health Influencers 2015” by Onalytica, Josh is a wellness content creator and coach with over 12 years in the industry. As a regular contributor to the National Academy of Sports Medicine, the American Council on Exercise, and WellnessFX, Josh believes we are now in the most exciting time ever known to use new technologies for enhancing our personal wellness. His vision for Wellness Force is to empower greater wellness in over one million lives through the channels of technology and emotion that help men and women live life well + enjoy the process.   In this episode, you’ll learn: Hearables – the new wearables (4:20) Biggest problems with wearable tech (6:26) How to stay engaged with wearables (8:57) How to choose the right wearable (10:58) Josh’s top wearable picks (11:32) How wearables are giving virtual coaching a boost (13:17) Is red light therapy safe (30:12) Health & fitness innovations of the future (28:19) 5 Tips to prevent tech addiction (35:43)   Josh’s Recommendations Fitbit Blaze Jawbone HRV4Training MUSE Sleep Timer   Ted Takeaways 1. Be clear about your intention There are so many people out there who buy something and expect that product/service to do the work. Make sure you have the right intention when choosing a wearable device or when you purchase anything to help you get fit. 2. Have a plan Think about what device you are going to get and what the end result you’re expecting. Make sure you have a plan to get that result. Don’t expect the device to do the work if you don’t. 3. Find a coach Accountability is important. A professional has the ability to get you to your goal faster and help you get the results you want. Find a coach, hire them, and then do the work to yield the results.   Resources: Wellness Force Radio  Fitness Industry Technology Council    Connect with Josh: Website  Twitter Facebook    Thanks for Listening! Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below! If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post. If you have any questions (or would like answers to hear previously submitted voicemail questions!), head on over to the ASK TED section. Are you tired of following a fitness routine, eating healthier foods, and not be seeing the weight come off the way you hope? Take my FREE Quiz now and find out how to fix that today. Until next time! Ted