Life Is A Marathon: Life Coaching | Spirituality | Personal Development | Positive Thinking | Personal Branding: LIAM 388 – What’s Your Fantasy?

Best Self Improvement Podcasts - 7 Per week show

Summary: Published on 30 Oct 2017. What is your fantasy? What is it that you imagine, ponder, day-dream about? Is it a happy fantasy in which you become the fullest expression of who you were created to be and you add great value to the world just by being who you were meant to become? If not, that's what I suggest you fantasize about. Let that be your dominant image of yourself. We tend to become what we spend most of our time thinking about. Fantasize about joy, fulfillment, and abundance! Listen as I explain: Listen on iTunes or Listen to/download this episode here: [jpshare] Love the show? Click here to Tweet a shoutout! Want to be a patron/supporter of the LIAM podcast? Click here. Mentioned in this show: The "Ask Us Anything" webinar with Bill Cortright Join the "Climber Community" Get a FREE copy of The Science of Getting Rich Join Bruce's Mastermind Group Worry No More! book Subscription/Social Links: Subscribe on iTunes! Subscribe on Stitcher Radio! Watch on YouTube! LIAM on Twitter: @LifeIs262 LIAM on Facebook / LifeIsAMarathon Subscribe to the LIAM Mailing List Bruce Van Horn on Twitter Bruce Van Horn on Facebook