Mudbound (Netflix)

Bougie Black Brother show

Summary: <br> Alicia and I were moved to see this film on Netflix by the reviews and the Golden Globe nomination of Mary J. Blige.  An interesting movie we initially thought was a typical southern white family story aligned beside a southern black family in the 1940's. But this movie showed an amazing directorial process and interpretation of the book <a href="">"Mudbound" by Hillary Jordan</a> by Dee Rees.   <br> Laura McAllan is trying to raise her children on her husband's Mississippi Delta farm, a place she finds foreign and frightening. In the midst of the family's struggles, two young men return from the war to work the land. Jamie McAllan, Laura's brother-in-law, is everything her husband is not - charming and handsome, but he is haunted by his memories of combat. Ronsel Jackson, eldest son of the black sharecroppers who live on the McAllan farm, now battles the prejudice in the Jim Crow South<br>