Green Crush With Alan Park - Episode 17

Green Crush With Alan Park show

Summary: 17 means building a consensus, it does for Green Crush anyway. We are fortunate to speak with a 20+ year user of cannabis. Has his life ground to a halt? Is he irresponsible and addled in the brain? No, no he’s not. He’s a very successful athlete and businessman who has built an entire career on his relationship with cannabis. Canadian Ross Rebagliati is the world's first ever snowboarder gold-medal Olympian, taking home the gold at Nagano, Japan Winter Games, 1998. While snowboarding was in his blood, apparently so was the substance known as cannabis. This was a very terrible thing according to the authorities. Even though in 1998 cannabis was not on the list of IOC banned athletic substances. But they took his gold away from him anyway. When he got his gold back, he got his future. Ross' Gold is a purveyor of fine cannabis-based products, already up and running in Kelowna, BC, a beautiful part of the world. Ross is a pioneer, and he has been rolling with the truth and shining a light on the darkness, so a Green Crush hat off to him. Keep up to date on Ross and his Gold: As always, find Green Crush at these fine places online: Facebook ( @greencrushpod on Twitter and Instagram)  Youtube  iTunes  Google Play Music  Stitcher  Podbean  TuneIn   Player.FM