25: Murr from Impractical Jokers on Conspiracy Theories

Talk the Line show

Summary: <p>James Murray - aka Murr - is a member of comedy collective The Tenderloins who found fame on hit Comedy Central show <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impractical_Jokers" target="_blank"><em>Impractical Jokers</em></a>.</p><p>One of four friends who met 27 years ago in a High School religious education class, Murr was working for the Staten Island Ferry when the group reconnected 9 years later and began practicing improv comedy.</p><p><em>Impractical Jokers</em> sees the cast challenge each other to do the most ridiculous public pranks with everything captured on hidden cameras. Over the course of the show’s six seasons, Murr has done everything from having his nipples and belly button pierced and receiving prostate exams in front of an audience to legally marrying his castmate Sal’s sister and eating dog poo in a pet store for 300 dollars.</p><p>We meet up with Murr to talk about his obsession with conspiracy theories.</p><p><strong>Catch up with our earlier shows by subscribing on Apple Podcasts with this link: </strong><a href="http://bestf.it/talktheline" target="_blank"><strong>bestf.it/talktheline</strong></a></p><p><strong>Talk The Line is hosted by the amazing podcast people at </strong><a href="http://pippa.io/" target="_blank"><strong>Pippa.io</strong></a><strong> who make setting up a podcast a total breeze. Take your first steps in podcasting by signing to Pippa with this link: </strong><a href="http://bestf.it/talkthelinepippa" target="_blank"><strong>bestf.it/talkthelinepippa</strong></a></p>