TTE 82: Reinventing Your Private Practice to Best Meet the Needs of Your Market

The Therapist Experience Podcast by Brighter Vision: Marketing & Business Lessons for Therapists, Counselors, Psychologists & Coaches in Private Practice show

Summary: Shari Pescatore hung up her shingle and just sat and waited. But nothing happened. Her phone just wasn't ringing. It was then that Shari took pro-active steps to build up a client load and catapult her private practice forward.<br> <br> The steps she took were made at the right time and with the right intention. From starting on Psychology Today when it wasn’t that popular, to helping provide her services to companies letting people go during the Great Recession, to specializing in CBT, to moving off insurance panels… Each step was taken deliberately and executed successfully to routinely reinvent her private practice based on the needs of the market.