The Sociable Homeschooler – Vivienne McNeny

Vintage Homeschool Moms show

Summary: <br> <br> Ready? Meet The Sociable Homeschooler - Vivienne McNeny<br> <br> Have you ever wondered how people just like you manage to homeschool their children and apparently love every moment of it?  Are you ready to give up the formative years of your children’s lives to a stranger?  Do you think homeschoolers are weird?  Does the word, homeschool, bring to mind Birkenstocks, jumpers, and hairy legs?  Honestly half of my family fit the hairy leg stereotype…so who cares?  I’m here to help you let go of any pre-conceived notions you may have about home educators.  Forget all the excuses ever made under the sun for not homeschooling and listen to my show which is a generous mix of my life as the oxymoron, Sociable Homeschooler, international guests from all walks of life and light hearted views and comments about education and basements.  I will also bend your ear with excerpts from my soon to be published book, also entitled, The Sociable Homeschooler, which chronicles many good causes for why my blue eyed cowboy and I chose to go off the deep end hand in hand with God and have everyone talking about us behind our backs and in the end winning them over.  Come and be won over on Toginet Radio Live on Fridays, if only to get a weekly taste of Britain.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Bio:<br> <br> Vivienne McNeny attended London University and earned a teaching degree in Child Psychology and Drama.  Both majors were put to good use later in her life when she entered the unknown waters of homeschooling but more immediately she ran her own sea-side restaurant and bar in the Channel Islands, raced powerboats, moved to Spain to teach water ski-ing and wind sailing, was whisked to Texas, where she finally settled down and married her blue-eyed cowboy.  She worked for Ticketmaster, had her family and eventually joined the homeschool movement while her children were still too young to object.  Here she dispelled the myth that homeschoolers were odd, surrendered her razor and embraced a lifestyle that celebrated jeux sans frontiers.  Her children graduated from college despite the fact that they were never chained to the kitchen table and today Vivienne hosts her own show on Toginet radio called The Sociable Homeschooler where she encourages like-minded parents, from all walks of life, to consider homeschooling as an heroic and viable move away from traditional school.<br> <br>