Help! Will Homeschooling Ruin My Children? Episode 76

Vintage Homeschool Moms show

Summary: <a href=""></a>Will Homeschooling Ruin My Children?<br> At a homeschool conference long ago one mom shared with me that she was concerned that she could ruin her children. What did she mean? Was it due to academics, socialization, or was she just an insecure person? I have my thoughts, which I will share with you in this podcast!<br> <br> Homeschooling is a mixed bag of trials! What are some of those things? First the logistics of getting everything done from academics to household chores as well as keeping our relationships in tact such as saying more than, "I'm exhausted" to your spouse. So, what to do? In this session I share the three - "P's" in detail... they are as follows:<br> <br> 1. Prayer<br> <br> 2. Planning<br> <br> 3. Patience<br> <br> <br> <br> What is your overall goal and focus of homeschooling? This is not something you jump into right away -- it is something you think about, mull over, and pray about! Ask your spouse, your friends, your podcast leaders on this broadcast! You focus on one thing at a time. Be sure your focus is what is the most important thing for you to accomplish. Is it spiritual? Be sure you use good books, read aloud, pour into your kids with family Bible studies or discussions that are open ended and you can talk and share about together ...<br> <br> Questions? Be sure to post them here - or ask over on our Facebook page. Be sure you tag me @FeliceGerwitz - if you want me to see it!<br> <br> Additional Suggestions:<br> <br> Homeschooling with Proverbs - <a href="">Family Bible Study</a><br> <br> Carol Topp's Podcast - topic - <a href="" target="_blank">5-Warnings Against Frugal Homeschooling</a><br> <br> HomeschooingIRL - with Fletch and Kendra -- Will Homeschooling Save My Kids? - <a href="" target="_blank">Part ONE</a><br> <br> HomeschooingIRL - with Fletch and Kendra -- Will Homeschooling Save My Kids? - <a href="" target="_blank">Part TWO</a>