Episode 23: Live Panel: Hiring Developers in (and out of) Health Care

Tech Done Right show

Summary: <h2>Live Panel: Hiring Developers in (and out of) Health Care</h2> <p>Follow us on Twitter <a href="https://twitter.com/tech_done_right" rel="nofollow">@tech_done_right</a>, and please leave us a review on <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/tech-done-right/id1195695341?mt=2" rel="nofollow">Apple Podcasts</a>!</p> <h2>Guests</h2> <ul> <li> <a href="https://twitter.com/wimyoon" rel="nofollow">Mark Yoon</a> Director of Talent at <a href="http://www.tablexi.com/" rel="nofollow">TableXI</a><br> </li> <li> <a href="https://twitter.com/lizvellojin" rel="nofollow">Liz Vellojin</a> Strategic Lead at <a href="https://www.outcomehealth.com/" rel="nofollow">Outcome Health</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://twitter.com/Lia_James" rel="nofollow">Lia James</a> Branding and Talent Consultant at <a href="https://humanpredictions.io/" rel="nofollow">HumanPredictions</a> </li> </ul> <h2>Summary</h2> <p>Hiring and retaining developers is hard. If you are in the health care industry, and require some specialized knowledge it's even harder. Joining the show for a live panel discussion are Lia James, Branding and Talent Consultant at Human Predictions, Liz Vellojin, Strategic Lead at Outcome Health, and Mark Yoon, Director of Talent at Table XI. Whether or not you work in health care, you'll find advice on your recruiting process from how to meet candidates, how to filter resumes, how to evaluate candidates, and how to keep your team.</p> <h2>Notes</h2> <p>01:35 - Introductions</p> <p>02:56 - Creating a Recruiting Process: Identifying Skilled and Empathetic Developers</p> <p>09:46 - Looking for People Who Will Be Culture Additions</p> <p>18:45 - Identifying Technical/Experience Levels of Candidates</p> <p>25:42 - How do you funnel people through from an initial resume based on a job specification?</p> <p>34:03 - What are we doing to recruit talent? What organizations are we a part of to get resumes to our door?</p> <p>39:36 - How do you show developers that their work is important?</p> <p>42:38 - What do you do to build up your initial team at a startup?</p> <p>48:00 - How important is it that someone has healthcare experience?</p> <p>52:44 - How do you workforce plan against staffing level changes?</p> <p>57:20 - How do you choose to reward and compensate your new hires and employees?</p> <p>01:07:56 - Clarity of Policies</p> <p>01:10:26 - How do you find people that are going to be mission aligned?</p><p>Special Guests: Lia James, Liz Vellojin, and Mark Yoon.</p>