A Skillful Plan: PODSNACKS/ArtoftheDiet #124 {A Rebroadcast]

PODSNACKS/Art of the Diet show

Summary: <a href="http://www.artofthediet.com/skillful-plan-podsnacks-artofthediet-124-rebroadcast/img_7719/" rel="attachment wp-att-7428"></a><br> <br> When you are underfed, harassed, bored, and miserable, you don't want to eat dull wholesome food. You want something a little bit “tasty”. There is always some cheaply pleasant thing to tempt you.-George Orwell<br> Good habits are worth being fanatical about. -John Irving<br> Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits.-Mark Twain<br> <br> The Art of War is to me The Art of the Diet.  I initially named this blog in the fine art use of “Art of”. I had developed a whole new <a href="http://www.thephotogardener.com">portfolio</a> of fruits and vegetables as a way of learning to eat and enjoy more of these food groups.  That strategy worked. I now love them and look forward to eating them.<br> But, as I've maintained for seven years this weight loss, I realize the Art of the Diet is less about its fine art meaning and more about the Art of War meaning: skills acquired by experience, study, observation of your strengths and weaknesses and knowing your enemy's strengths and weaknesses.  The archaic meaning of the art of something is “a skillful plan”.<br> THIS IS A REBROADCAST OF ONE OF THE ESSENTIALS OF EIGHT YEARS OF MAINTAINING A SIGNIFICANT WEIGHT LOSS.  I HAVE TO HAVE A PLAN. I MAY NOT ALWAYS FOLLOW THE PLAN PERFECTLY BUT I HAVE TO HAVE ONE.  NEXT WEEK, WEDNESDAY, JAN 3, 2018, I'LL BE BACK TO A NEW SEASON OF PODCASTS. SHARING MY THOUGHTS ON MY NEWEST PLAN AND OTHER NEW THINGS. A COMBINATION OF SCIENCE, COMMERCIALISM, AND MY OWN PERSONALITY.  THE LATTER IS WHAT IS RARELY DISCUSSED IN ALL THE PLANS OF THE FIRST TWO CATEGORIES BUT PERHAPS THE MOST IMPORTANT IN MY EXPERIENCE.<br> Every once in a while I post some real time short videos on my <a href="http://www.facebook.com/artofthediet">Facebook</a> page.  Some of them are even in focus.  Come and visit.<br> <br> So, today, we talk about the need for skillful plans made up of daily habits that can be used as strategies to combat the challenges of our bodies, which like it or not, are agitating behind the scenes to regain our lost pounds.<br> It doesn't depress me to know this. It energizes me.  I hope this is the message you get from this episode 41 of PODSNACKS, Art of Diet &amp; War.<br> <a href="http://www.artofthediet.com/skill-sets-save-slippery-slopes/">http://www.artofthediet.com/skill-sets-save-slippery-slopes/</a><br> <a href="http://www.artofthediet.com/hiding-in-plain-sight/">http://www.artofthediet.com/hiding-in-plain-sight/</a><br> <a href="http://www.artofthediet.com/still-life-active-habits/">http://www.artofthediet.com/still-life-active-habits/</a><br> <a href="http://www.artofthediet.com/the-science-of-shame/">http://www.artofthediet.com/the-science-of-shame/</a><br> <a href="http://www.artofthediet.com/diet-truths-forest-trees/">http://www.artofthediet.com/diet-truths-forest-trees/</a><br> <a href="http://www.artofthediet.com/time-make-yogurt/">http://www.artofthediet.com/time-make-yogurt/</a><br>