Hell of a Pilot 22: Of Killer Koalas and X-Wings

Hell of a Pilot: X-Wing Podcast show

Summary: <p>Ladies, Gentlemen and X-Wing players demanding FFG give us the Tie Hunter, welcome to Episode 22 of Hell of a Pilot. </p><br> <p>This week join the full crew of Owen, Mike and Lachlan as they discuss the new Scum ship, what we've dubbed the Killer Koala.  </p><br> <p>Did the FAQ kill the Jumpmaster scourge? </p><br> <p>We also relfect on PAX fun! </p><br> <p>As per listener request, Owen looked into the lore around Kath Scarlet and Slave 1.</p><br> <p>So remember when in doubt, focus! </p><br> <p> </p><br> <p> </p>