Cooling Breath Technique

Yoga Empowered for Chronic Conditions show

Summary: Yaow - It's hot! Here's a breathing technique you can use to cool your system. Remember - NEVER STRAIN THE BREATH! You can easily cause yourself a panic attack by pushing to hard. Find a breath speed that's comfortable for you. Your goal in breath practice with me is ALWAYS smooth steadiness and ease no matter what technique we're using. Especially living with any Chronic Condition - we want to soothe your system not aggravate it! Smooth Steadiness & Ease. Please honor your body! So this technique - You wanna be cool not look cool :o) Find your easy seat. Spine straight and tall, hands on knees or in your lap. Roll your tongue or pucker your lips like you're sipping through a straw. Inhale- tilt the head slightly looking up as you breathe in coolness at the lips. Exhale- tilt the head slightly looking downward with your tongue at the roof of your mouth breathing out through the nose. Gently tilt (not a large movement) the chin up & down not causing any strain. Practice this technique for 10 breaths or 5 minutes- whatever you've got time for - even doing just a few breaths should help cool you a bit. This breathing technique can be used to bring coolness to your system, to calm the nervous system and to quell hunger or thirst. Hope this helps you Stay Cool! Rock Your Practice! Many thanks to Red Square Yoga Studio in Seattle, Wa. for donating the space to film for you! ^o^ For more Yoga Empowered Online for Chronic Conditions please visit or find me at Now offering 6 week e-Course: Develop Your Personal Practice!