SO046: Taking Kids to the Grocery Store - Simplified Organization Audio Blog: quick actions, organized attitudes

Simplified Organization Audio Blog: quick actions, organized attitudes show

Summary: <a href="">Season 8: Grocery Shopping</a><br> I think taking the kids with me on my grocery excursions is a valuable thing to do. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t exhausting. But, my kids are homeschooled, and they do need to get out just as much as I do. Plus, they are homeschooled, so they think going to the grocery store is a grand day out. Plus, I am a homeschooler, so I think it counts as a field trip and “real life learning.”<br> Over the 12 years I’ve been grocery shopping with kids in tow, I’ve learned some tricks and techniques.<br> <br> <br> <br> Read the original post here:<br> <a href="">Tips for Taking Kids to the Grocery Store</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br>