34: StarKid Corner

Elsie Cast show

Summary: <p>An announcement of my upcoming celebration for 1,000 Twitter followers! (Thank you, thank you, thank you!)</p><br> <p>Then I interview Lou from StarKid Corner. We talk about being a StarKid fan, what it's like to love something that mostly happens in another country, the odd circumstance of being with some of the Warblers when they found out about Cory Monteith's death, and the responsibility of having an online following. Basically, Lou is just awesome, it's my first international interview, and you get to listen to her British accent! </p><br> <p>And we go out on my recording of "Teenage Dream" from Elsie Fest.</p><br> <p>Support the podcast and help me pay for more giveaways by buying some things in <a title="Elsie Cast on Dazzle" href="https://www.zazzle.com/elsiecast?rf=238651255312043182&amp;CMPN=share_dblst&amp;lang=en&amp;social=true">my shop</a>. </p>