35: Broadwaycon

Elsie Cast show

Summary: <p>In the intro, I celebrate ALL the new things this weekend, and reveal the identity of the person who's going around telling people he knows me when he actually doesn't. </p><br> <p>Then, I interview Broadwaycon Programming Director Sierra Fox. Find out everything you need to know about Broadwaycon! </p><br> <p>And we end with my recording of Darren Criss singing Cabaret at Elsie Fest 2017. </p><br> <p>Support the podcast by <a href="https://www.zazzle.com/elsiecast?rf=238651255312043182&amp;CMPN=share_dblst&amp;lang=en&amp;social=true">shopping on Zazzle</a>. </p><br> <p>The shirt Darren has is <a href="https://www.zazzle.com/z/ow4em?rf=238651255312043182">this one</a>. </p>