Ep. 76: An Ade memoir

Sunny 16 show

Summary: <p>This week there is much rejoicing on the show! Ade is back from Bhutan and full of tales, it's Rachel's birthday and to top it all off there are not one but TWO new camera announcements!</p> <p>Chris Marquardt's website: https://chrismarquardt.com/</p> <p>Tips From the Top Floor feat. Ade: https://tipsfromthetopfloor.com/2017/11/11/798-phalluses-film-photography/</p> <p>Steve Lloyd - Chroma camera Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydayphotographics/</p> <p>Reflex Camera Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/reflexcamera/reflex-bringing-back-the-analogue-slr-camera</p> <p>Elbaflex Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/692391811/elbaflex-35mm-true-analog-camera-history-reloaded</p> <p>Silberra Indiegogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/silberra-b-w-photographic-films#/</p> <p>Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy anouncement! :http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2017/hitchhikers-and-quanderhorn</p> <p>Contact us</p> <p>Instagram @Sunny16Podcast</p> <p>Twitter @Sunny16Podcast</p> <p>Facebook @Sunny16Podcast </p> <p>Flickr Group “Sunny16Podcast”</p> <p>Email us at <a href="mailto:sunny16podcast@gmail.com">sunny16podcast@gmail.com</a></p> <p> </p> <p>Thanks...</p> <p>Chris at <a href="../../">www.PixelatedPhotographer.com</a> for tech support and hosting the longer form conversation</p> <p>Music by Roja (pronounced Roch-ha). Their latest album is “Promises I should have kept” which you can find on Amazon or iTunes. They are also available on Twitter and Facebook as @rojamusica </p>