EXCLUSIVE: Why It's Time for Change with Linda Yaccarino


Summary: Linda Yaccarino, Chair(wo)man of Ad Sales and Client Partnerships at NBCUniversal comes by ADLANDIA to give listeners an exclusive on the eve of the highly anticipated "State of the Industry Forum" closed event on Nov. 28 with industry leaders.  Hear why she decided the time is now to act on the "lighting in the a bottle" moment to initiate change and why growing pains can't be the answer anymore. She talks bucking legacy, why the future of the upfront is always on, and leveling the playing field for measurement new and seasoned players. Linda also talks about who's vulnerable to these changes, how she's approaching culture and talent, and lessons in leadership. We're keeping up with Linda's shoe game and plus one'ing her advice to young female hustlers. Plus, don't miss the Yacc's take on #KillBuyDIY!