Episode 010: Featuring Angela West, Ginger Shiflet, Andrew Stow and Ann Hudlow

Vocational Rehabilitation Workforce Studio » Podcast show

Summary: Transcript by business students: Matthew Watkins, Cristene Hamm and Marlin Moore<br> Intro: I believe it is possible for everyone to go to work with the right accommodation: All you have to do is ask.<br> VR Workforce Studio: Inspiration, Education and Affirmation at Work. We’re bringing you the stories of individuals with disabilities who are in or preparing to be part of the workforce in Virginia. And we’re celebrating not only the champions of business and industry that hire individuals with disabilities, but also the vocational rehabilitation professionals who’ve dedicated their lives and careers to creating hope and a path forward to employment so individuals with disabilities can work and lead more fulfilling lives while building Virginia’s workforce and moving our economy forward.<br> Welcome to the VR Workforce Studio education, inspiration, and affirmation at work. We’re bringing you the stories of individuals with disabilities who are in or preparing to be part of the workforce here in Virginia. We’re celebrating not only the champions of business and industry that hire individuals with disabilities but also the vocational rehabilitation professionals who dedicated their lives and careers to creating hope and a path forward to employment so individuals with disabilities can work and lead more fulfilling lives while building Virginia’s workforce and moving our new Virginia economy forward. This is episode number ten we are thrilled and delighted that you’ve joined us for this podcast and on today’s show, from our inspiration showcase the one and only Angela West, she’s a professional VR counselor and Miss Wheelchair Virginia 2015-16 showcasing communication excellence in demonstrating assistive technology in a way that will truly inspire you. Also Ginger Shiflet, a speech language pathologist here to discuss assistive technology and how it opens the door to employment for individuals that have difficulty with their speech. Also on today Andrew Stow with news notes and updates from the Virginia Rehabilitation Association and as always Ann Hudlow WWRC Foundation.<br> Always a pleasure to welcome Ann Hudlow, the executive director of the WWRC Foundation to the VR Workforce Studio, Ann nice to have you on the podcast today.<br> Ann: Thanks Rick, it’s great to be here. You know Ann research tells us that time and time again that transportation or the lack of transportation is one of the most significant obstacles to a person with a disability getting and keeping a job. You know I know from speaking with clients and staff here at WWRC that is certainly the case. That’s why on any given day you’ll see a number of WWRC consumers learning to access public transportation by using the local coordinated area transportation buses and you’ll see a fleet of drivers education cars with instructors and consumers doing assessments in drivers training.<br> Rick: Pealar Yawnest had this to say about how learning to drive is changing her life and preparing her for employment.<br> PEALAR: It’s a big thing for me because it makes me more independent. I am not stuck in my apartment just waiting for people to take me out and uh this way I uh can you know get out by myself and uh and the main thing for me right now is because I wanna find a job. I wanna, you know, work, start working again, and um and uh being in an apartment all the time you know, uh, it’s difficult to make appointments and just depending on what people take you. ANN: As we heard from Mary Brice during Occupational Therapist and Driving Specialist here at WWRC, one of the things some folk may not know is that specially outfitted cars are needed to help an individual help with a disability learn to drive.<br> MARY: The vehicle we most recently got that was sponsored from the foundation it’s been equipped with I think there is six different hand controls on there, so that gives us the ability as the evaluator to kind of see from a client’s disability standpoi...