Episode 28: When Murderers Run Free

Stand Up Speak Up show

Summary: <p>We trust law enforcement to do the absolute best job keeping communities safe, conducting investigations, and bringing criminals to justice. But, what about when they don’t live up to their duty? As we saw with the Shelley Desrochers case, there appeared to be a lot more to the story than police were able or willing to discover.<br><br>These occurrences are more common than one might think, and have been for a long time. In this episode, we look at the case of Christine Rothschild, a University of Wisconsin student who was killed in the late 1960s. After police seemed to be no help, Christine’s friend Linda made it her mission to find the killer. While she was able to put together a strong case against one man, police mainly dismissed it and he was never brought to justice.<br> <br>This story is featured in Dr. Mike Arntfield’s new book “Mad City” where he actually speaks with Linda, and his students even contact the alleged killer.<br> <br>Mike also tells us about the Murder Accountability Project which helps track murder data and hold police departments in the U.S. accountable for their performance. You’ll also find out why such a thing does not exist for Canadian police.<br><br>Host and Producer: <strong>Karla Stephens-Tolstory</strong><br>Editor and Co-Producer: <strong>Joel at East Coast Radio Creative</strong><br> <br>Murder Accountability Project: <a href="http://www.murderdata.org/">http://www.murderdata.org/</a> <br><br>Mike’s Book “Mad City”: <a href="https://www.amazon.ca/Mad-City-Campus-Murders-America-ebook/dp/B01M6D8URV/">https://www.amazon.ca/Mad-City-Campus-Murders-America-ebook/dp/B01M6D8URV/</a> <br> <br>This episode contains music used under the CreativeCommons license:<br>Eric Eckhart plus Salonband - The One<br><br>Show what you stand for with StandUp SpeakUp Fashion: <a href="https://standupspeakupfashion.com/">https://standupspeakupfashion.com/</a> </p>