Anime Bloggers/Podcasters Town Hall @ Anime Expo 2012!

Anime Genesis show

Summary: ( Hey everyone! Benu here! If you are going to Anime Expo this year I'll be hosting the Anime Bloggers/Podcasters Town Hall on Saturday, June 30th  Day 2 at 4:00 PM in WS2 (501). If your an anime blogger or podcaster or both, you don't want to miss this! It's going to be an open discussion about everything blogging, podcasting, and new media!  I'll also be covering the whole convention doing interviews, taking video, taking pictures, and posting it all here on the site! So if you see me around say hi and maybe you might end up in a picture or video on the site, maybe even in an episode of the podcast! Anime Bloggers/Podcasters Town Hall Are you a blogger or podcaster? Then come and join in for an open discussion about anything and everything related to anime blogging and podcasting! Saturday, June 30th 4:00pm-5:00pm WS2 (LACC 501)