"Live, Laugh, Vomit: The Mainstream Media Life Cycle" 3/16/17

Quite Frankly show

Summary: Lots of stuff going on in tonight's episode. First we handle a Washington Post article, whose title was edited as the day dragged on. The title change, plus the body of the article, was all part of the same scheme to subtly plant seeds. Inception. Reading/watching the news is quite literally Inception, only you're awake for it. Lena Dunham supposedly lost some weight, but she kept all of the crazy. Plenty more after that, but it all culminates with two great calls: One of GadgetDoc to discuss the Netherlands election, and one from Tom Lupo of Gaslight.tv, who shared some Irish history with us, as well as a demonstration on how to pour a Black and Tan. Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/6q0NdSEQoaU