"Neil Gorsuch and the Progressive Temple of Doom" 3/22/17

Quite Frankly show

Summary: A rare 90-minute show! and we hit up a lot of things, starting with the latest European terrorism incident, this one right outside of Parliament. Death toll as we publish this podcast episode: 5 This keeps us in Europe for a few more minutes, jumping to Turkey, examining recent remarks and behavior of its President. This eventually leads us to Canada where a new motion meant to combat Islamophobia is stirring fears that censorship is inevitable. A few minutes on Shia Labeouf's fourth attempt to to fly his silly flag, and then we're eventually on to some interesting 'Wiretapping' developments, and finally some thoughts on Neil Gorsuch and Constitutional originalism. We got A LOT done tonight. Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/ACCn4r8zQ_8