NHA in NJ - Building Momentum

The Nurtured Heart Approach® show

Summary: Frank Picone and Tim Hunt are part of the momentum in moving the Nurtured Heart Approach® forward in the state of New Jersey.  Catherine Stafford, our host for this month's podcast guides this conversation about the $12million SAMHSA grant awarded to the state of New Jersey to roll out the Nurtured Heart Approach to assist with mental health services for youth with complex behavioral health challenges at the state level.  This podcast airs during the culminating hours of the first of several Certificiation Training Intensives specific to the implementation of the grant in New Jersey..  Fraink Picone: Frank Picone earned his Masters of Social Work from the School of Social Work at Rutgers University. Mr. Picone is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Advanced Trainer for the Nurtured Heart Approach as well as a certified School Social Worker For the past 30 years,  For the past 20 years as Founder and Director of “Positive Culture Change” he has provided clinical and staff development consultation and training to juvenile justice facilities, residential treatment programs and school systems throughout the country focusing on work with youth who have experienced trauma and dealing with behavioral and mental health challenges.  Mr. Picone is also an instructor for the Rutgers College and is currently working with them on a 4 year 12 million dollar grant from SAMHSA aimed at adopting a trauma informed approach in New Jersey’s Children’s System of Care.  A major part of this grant is training all staff in the Nurtured Heart Approach. For more information please visit www.positiveculturechange.com.   Bio for Tim Hunt to follow shortly.