Good 2 Great 2 Transformation with the Nurtured Heart Approach

The Nurtured Heart Approach® show

Summary: Howard Glasser, Creator of the Nurtured Heart Approach and Stephanie Rule, Certified Advanced Trainer share our time together this month with Heather Meyer and Toni Rose, Certified Advanced Trainers in this live podcast.  Toni Rose,BS, is a Certified Nurtured Heart Approach Advanced Trainer as well as a Wraparound Facilitator at Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare.  She has provided over 85 NHA trainings to parents, caregivers, volunteers and clinicians from all over the state of Indiana. She has 17 years of experience collaborating with Department of Child Services, Juvenile Justice, CASA and Head Start. She has also worked directly with mental health agencies, psychiatric hospitals and educators. Her passion is supporting children and families to build successful relationships not only in their homes but in their communities as well. Heather Meyer, owner of Dynamic Wisdom, LLC,  is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Certified Nurtured Heart Approach Trainer specializing in counseling and consulting services for individuals, families, and organizations in Indianapolis, Indiana. Heather has held a steadfast commitment to sparking a desire for change and blazing a trail of transformation for individuals experiencing significant behavioral and life challenges since 1993. Heather presents at conferences, company-wide workshops and to general audiences speaking on the topics of the Nurtured Heart Approach®, Functional Behavioral Assessments, and Positive Behavioral Support Plans. Heather's most recent work is creating individualized transformational practices with her clients born out her experimentation with using the NHA® to positively transform her experience with chronic health and pain challenges.