The Nerd Room Episode #37: Prequels in Film, Comics and Books

The Nerd Room - A Star Wars, Marvel, & DC Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> Fact: Rogue One is a Prequel.<br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> Prequel is term some choose to forget when referring the Star Wars Universe, but how have other prequels in film, comics and books impacted, either positive or negative, a franchise? How does time travel factor into the equation and is it a prequel when there are so many continuity errors?<br> <br> These are just a few questions that hosts Tim and Troy debate when wading into and discussing the concept of prequels in self-contained Universes.<br> <br> They also touch on the Star Wars Prequels, the films that popularized the term Prequel.<br> <br> The guys also talk about Thor and Hulks whereabouts during Civil War, the latest Marvel Collector Corps box content, Justice League Dark, Deathstoke in The Batman, and the new Rogue One photos<br> <br> 01:44 - Thor Civil War Mockumentary <br> <br> 03:38 - Unboxing of Augusts Marvel Collector Corps Spider-Man Box<br> <br> 07:30 - Justice League Dark<br> <br> 12:29 - Deathstroke in The Batman<br> <br> 19:18 - Rogue One Photos<br> <br> 21:14 - Prequels in Film, Comics and Books<br> <br> 49:13 - Star Wars Prequels <br>  <br> #enterthenerdroom<br>