Jamie’s Got It Wrong: mining, trading, Vertcoin, Metronome, Nexus, forks, Bitconnects and crypto scams

Blockheads Pod show

Summary: <p>Yet another round of stranger things hits the crypto scene this week as Bitcoin holds strong over $6,000 despite the naysayers. Plus, what’s the deal with digital currency mining? How does it work, and how do you get started? Then, Rocco talks trades and Vertcoin, Pete talks Nexus, and a healthy dose of caveat emptor follows regarding Bitcoin forks, the upcoming Metronome token, and Bitconnects &amp; cryptocurrency scams.</p> <p><em>*Footnote: the “number of zeroes” bit about mining is a human-friendly simplification:) It’s more complicated, but ain’t nobody got time for that.</em></p> <p><a href="http://www.blockheadspod.com/itunes">www.blockheadspod.com/itunes – Subscribe on iTunes</a></p> <p><a href="http://www.blockheadspod.com/googleplay">www.blockheadspod.com/googleplay – Subscribe on Google Play</a></p> <p><a href="http://www.blockheadspod.com/stitcher">www.blockheadspod.com/stitcher – Subscribe on Stitcher</a></p> <p>Make sure you check out the mentioned video about distributed ledgers, mining, hashes, and proof of work <a href="http://youtu.be/bBC-nXj3Ng4">at http://youtu.be/bBC-nXj3Ng4</a>. Seriously, it’s really helpful.</p> <p>Grab <strong>$10 FREE Bitcoin</strong> at Coinbase when you buy your first $100 of Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin by going to <a href="http://www.blockheadspod.com/coinbase">www.blockheadspod.com/coinbase</a></p> <p>Send us a tip!</p> <p>bitcoin (BTC):<br> 3Esecx9YuRYzYHUoxjVs3m3BVeuiQtu9Ff</p> <p>litecoin (LTC):<br> LQiv4aSCSZAmCASGHv7QrmZECu5iSKUeG6</p> <p>ether (ETH):<br> 0xfD5453699976d658E423c1278884771436f2d52D</p> <p>nexus (NXS):<br> 2RPYXcr9Vmq33m1cAFeatma9irfF4e3L3k9TtZcS7HchekECbh7</p> <p><em>(Quick legal note: This week’s parody song is a joke using 1990s hit “Janie’s Got a Gun” by Aerodrop. Er, we meant Aerosmith. As always, the production of this parody and the entire podcast have no relation to the copyright holder for the Aerosmith song, who retains any and all rights to the song.)</em></p>