Lobster Disgrace

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: Here's some important news you'll want to know: Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) is lobbying for a new emoji to represent lobsters. King submitted a formal request Friday to the Unicode Consortium. The Uni what consortium? Is like the international pocket protector symposium? It's the group in charge of smartphone emojis. Let me guess this is funded with government money. In his letter, Senator King stressed the economic and cultural importance of the lobster to Maine residents. Well, I don't know about any of that but they sure taste great. He should've added that to the letter. I need to stress in the economic and cultural importance of lobster and they TASTE GREAAAAAAT Senator King Wrote: "A new lobster emoji would fill a necessary and unique void in the current Emoji List, and, should it be added, appears destined for significant usage by lobster fans around the world."  Well no kidding. The proposal was submitted just in time for National Lobster Day, which the Senate designated for Sept. 25. Lobsters have a special day? A new emoji would allow people who "fish, process, serve, eat, or otherwise admire the lobster can accurately express themselves in emoji form." It's a right. It's a damn right and Trump better not try and take this one away. This has to be a joke right?  The Trump administration finally acted and issued a  Jones Act waiver for Puerto Rico. You're probably asking, what the heck does that mean? But, if you know much about Puerto Rico you'll know about this giant ball of wasted red tape. So hit the play button! Visit: http://www.christopherscottshow.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christopherscottshow/