Culture of the Kingdom, Pastor Jonathan O'Reilly, Sep 2, 2012

The Rock of KC show

Summary: 1 Cor. 1:1-9 NLT - culture is a powerful thing. Current of an environment - it's much easier to establish culture from the beginning - three points in the culture of the kingdom 1. honor (v.1) - Paul says he didn't do this alone - honor places value on someone - somethings have a natural or placed value and other things have a sentimental value - honor is an element in the kingdom of God 2. encouragement (v.2) - John 4:4 - Jesus needed to go through Samaria to break the cultural traditions - Jesus honors and encourages the Samaritan woman - Jesus gives us an example to show kindness and encouragement to those in need 3. generosity (v.9) - God is generous to us so we should be generous to others - God has invited us into partnership with Jesus - 2 Cor. 8:9 NLT - why do we live in a culture of honor, encouragement, and generosity? Because Jesus did. This is what the culture of the kingdom is all about - generosity is more than just money, it's life, it affects the way you look at everything.