Brewsome Buddies ep10 The Chutney Maker! The Salsa in your pants that makes you dance.

Brewsome Buddies show

Summary: <p>Sanj predicts Bill Belicheck will make a midget a star tightend in the NFL. The Chutney Maker steps into the studio, jumps on the 1s and 2s and brings hilarious perspectives to whats happening in this crazy world. NFL's Good Gladiators vs the Bad Bone Heads and the good they do. T.O sit down, be humble.  The world rest in Dennis Rodmans hands. His dirty, dont know where those hands have been hands. Do we have enough to donate more. Hurricanes bring havoc but we give. Bitter Brady takes the field against the other Native American football team. Hail to these Chiefs not lovely lady Trump. Check it out! Also, iPhone is going for a grand! WTF! The Chutney Maker feels it maybe cheeper to just have a midget by his side. All that and the GREAT ROSES ARE RED POEM EVER!!! </p>