072 -Bullying: Understanding the Dynamics to Create Better Intervention Programs

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: <p>Bullying<br> Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes<br> Executive Director, AllCEUs</p> <p>Continuing Education credits for this podcast can be earned at <a href="https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/585/c/">https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/585/c/</a></p> <p>Objectives<br> ~    Define bullying<br> ~    Explore the types of bullying<br> ~    Identify characteristics of bullies<br> ~    Identify motivations for bullying<br> ~    Identify effects of bullying<br> ~    Explore interventions to<br> ~    Stop Bullying<br> ~    Help bullying victims<br> What is Bullying<br> ~    A pattern of aggressive behavior involving unwanted negative actions which involves an imbalance of strength or power (physical, social)<br> How Big of A Problem Is It<br> ~    Prevalence<br> ~    More than half of adolescents have been bullied online and about the same number have engaged in bullying<br> ~    Only 1 in 10 tells a parent they have been a victim</p> <p>~    Bullycide<br> ~    According to the Yale School of Medicine, adolescent suicide rates have increased more than 50% in the last 30 years.<br> ~    19,000 victims of bullying will attempt suicide each year (1 every 30 minutes) according to the American Psychiatric Association<br> Types of Bullying<br> ~    Verbal<br> ~    Degrading or demeaning to give the aggressor power<br> ~    Physical<br> ~    Pushing, shoving, hitting<br> ~    Stealing<br> ~    Sexual assault<br> ~    Relational<br> ~    When behaviors are used as a means of achieving a goal<br> ~    In reaction/retaliation to provocation<br> Types of Bullying<br> ~    Cyberbullying<br> ~    The use of the internet and related technologies (i.e. Iphones, Snapchat, Instagram etc…) to harm other people in a deliberate and repeated manner.<br> ~    Is inescapable<br> ~    Forms<br> ~    Harrassment<br> ~    Impersonation<br> ~    Use of Photographs<br> ~    Creating websites and blogs<br> ~    Participating in “happy slapping”<br> Characteristics of Bullies<br> ~    Lower parental supervision  (More permissive)<br> ~    Drug and alcohol use<br> ~    Family conflict<br> ~    Parents, coaches who show power and aggression by yelling, hitting<br> ~    Siblings or friends who bully the child<br> ~    Trouble standing up to peer pressure<br> ~    Relate to others negatively<br> Characteristics of Bullies<br> ~    Desire for power and control<br> ~    Lack of empathy<br> ~    Strong needs for power and dominance<br> ~    Often rewarded in some wat for their behavior (material, social or psychological)<br> Motivations for Bullying<br> ~    Power &amp; Control<br> ~    “Respect” (Intimidation)<br> ~    Revenge<br> ~    Social and material rewards</p> <p>~    Questions<br> ~    Where does the need for power and control come from?<br> ~    What are the long and short term benefits of bullying and how can they be reduced?<br> ~    What other ways can be provided for youth to achieve the same benefits in a prosocial manner?<br> Characteristics of Victims &amp; Interventions<br> ~    Overweight, underweight, not physically attractive<br> ~    New students.<br> ~    Assign them a mentor<br> ~    Being different or not considered “cool.”<br> ~    Emphasize and reward student strengths beginning in elementary school.<br> ~    Perceived as weak or unable to defend themselves<br> ~    Pay particular attention to students who are bully-prone<br> Characteristics of Victims &amp; Interventions<br> ~    Depressed, anxious<br> ~    Teach age-appropriate coping skills<br> ~    Educate about depression and fear/anxiety<br> ~    Low self-esteem<br> ~    Increase self-esteem<br> ~    Reduce need for external validation<br> ~    Unpopular or do not socialize well with others<br> ~    Teach social skills<br> ~    Teach communication skills</p> <p>Effects of Bullying<br> ~    Unwi</p>