Amnesty: How Will Judge Punish Obama?

Informed America Radio show

Summary: Amnesty: Oh, What a Tangled Web They Weave You are not going to believe the latest lame excuse the Obama Regime is trying to peddle to U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen to explain their obviously deliberate violation of his order to stop issuing three-year work permits to so-called "DREAMERS," (aka young illegals aka future democrat voters), and the fact that they misled the court about it. Whoops—it was a mistake! It was a technical glitch! It was an alien invasion! And just who did they consult with before they told the judge about their "mistake?" Plus, Hillary's bizarre pledge about her Supreme Court nominees, and what no one is saying about it. In the wake of the very predictable death penalty decision from a federal jury in the Boston Marathon Bombing case, more idiocy from one of our favorite Useful Idiots of the Week Update on Republicans in the U.S. Senate enabling Obamacare fraud by members of Congress and their staffs. And speaking of Obamacare: how should conservatives prepare for the decision in King v. Burwell, the case that will decide the fate of the law There They Go Again File: Democrats use the Amtrak train wreck to whine that the federal government doesn't spend enough, which is sort of like saying that Barack Obama doesn't play enough golf. Speaking of train wrecks, remember the February 2009 stimulus? Where did that money go? Tune in for the rest of the story. Like the show? Have a comment? Please tweet it with the hashtag #theteriobrienshow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Politics, Pop Culture, the Hottest Issues of the Day, and Your calls. The Teri O'Brien Show, featuring America’s Original Conservative Warrior Princess, Live and in color, Sundays 4-6 pm Central time at Daring to Commit Common Sense, Fearlessly, and More Important, Cheerfully, in the Age of Obama. Make My Day: Text “FAN TOBCWP” to 32665