Manchester Bombed, Women Most Affected - Polecat Cast 114

Honey Badger Bites show

Summary: Ariana Grande! Pamela Anderson! Chris Cornell! Celebrity news or nah? Good Day, Sir! You Look Like Somebody Who Likes Degrading Minorities By Max Derrat For those of you who are fans of the Simpsons… remember that one episode where Homer was trying to sell a sexual performance enhancer inside a mall? HE goes up to one guy and says, “hello, sir! You look like a man who needs help satisfying his wife.” Now, imagine that… but in real life… and instead of a sex drug… it’s social justice.  Well, that is exactly what is happening at the University of California-Los Angeles, and to top it all off… the school is paying people to do it. A new program, titled the “Social Justice Advocates” program, is going to help students “navigate a world that operates on whiteness, patriarchy, and heteronormativity as the primary ideologies.”  Roughly eight to ten social justice advocates will be selected for the upcoming fall semester. They will have to spend three hours per work facilitating their duties, which include weekly meetings and… wait for it… crafting presentations. The program is funded through the Bruin Excellence and Student Transformation Grant Program (BEST) which receives funding from the university’s Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.  It is no secret that we, here, at Honey Badger Radio, report on pre-existing articles during our shows. This particular story happens to come from an excellent news aggregator called “Campus Reform”, which, of course, reports on all the social justice hysteria happening on campuses across the USA. The best part of this whole story… is the fact that students who participate in this social justice program have been ordered by their supervisor to NOT talk to Campus Reform, and to defer interview requests to the UCLA media department.  In the meantime, I would like to take a second to not speak for Honey Badger Radio, but for myself. If y