#41: Raising Assertive Kids

The Happy Student show

Summary: Kids are taught to be nice and to share and to do things that other kids want to do. Unfortunately, sometimes that can mean that kids are terrified of standing up for themselves and creating conflict. So they end up putting their own needs and wants after everyone else's. Kids need to learn to take care of themselves. They need to learn to self-advocate – to be assertive. We all need to take care of ourselves so that we can then take care of others. Being assertive helps us do that. We've got 8 tips to help you raise an assertive child. Resources: Eric Barker: http://www.bakadesuyo.com/2017/07/how-to-stop-being-a-pushover/ Mary Garner Ganske: http://www.pediatricservices.com/parents/pc-56.htm Deidre Parsons: https://afineparent.com/strong-kids/how-to-be-assertive.html