How to Stand out for a Sports Marketing Career

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: Careers in sports marketing are some of the most sought after opportunities on <a title="Find thousands of Sports Jobs on" href=""></a>, so how can you make yourself stand out from the competition? One way is to understand what employers really want, our Director of Content Brian Clapp has some insider knowledge that can really assist you!<br> <br> <br> WIS Sports Marketing.MTS<br> <br> // <br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> Video Transcript for "How to Stand out for a Sports Marketing Career"<br> Brian Clapp, Director of Content: It's fair to say that sports marketing and sports sales comprise a really high percentage of the jobs available on I read this quote recently from a marketing executive and I think it applied really well to the sports industry. If I remembered who the marketing executive was, I'd give them credit, tell you how smart they are - but I don't. So I'm just going to steal the quote and pretend that it's mine - well, not really.<br> <br> <br> <br> The quote goes like this - "Marketing is 10% ideas and 90% execution".<br> <br> I think this is genius because I've worked at companies where we have had these great off-site meetings where we sit around and brainstorm and come up with this incredible outline of ideas. So many people are creative, but there is a dearth of people who are executors.<br> <br> We've made these boards, and filled them up with ideas - but so many of these great ideas end up falling flat or never happening, never getting legs.<br> <br> So what does this mean for you?<br> <br> What it means is you need to focus on how you are an executor. I think this is a great technique to bring to the table in an interview. If you want to <a title="The Skills Needed for Sports Marketing Jobs" href="">work in sports marketing</a> you may be asked to explain your great ideas during an interview - but what the hiring manager really wants to hear is how you made them happen. How you took them from the idea phase to the execution phase.<br> <br> If you can show those things on your resume and in the interview process, that will be the thing that makes you stand out for sports marketing careers. I've never been at a company that had a dearth of ideas - but we have all had a problem with execution, myself included. So focus on that in your resume and interview process and you may be able to stand out in the sports marketing field.