Sports Jobs Q&A – Should You Add Personality to Your Professional Profile?

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: Yet another video version of our <a title="All of our Sports Jobs Q&amp;A Columns in one spot" href="">Sports Jobs Q&amp;A column</a> where you submit the question and we give you our expert opinion. This weeks question comes from Anna in Alpharetta, Georgia who wants to know if she should add some personality and creativity to her resume, cover letter and LinkedIn's our take:<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> WIS qa resume personality.MTS<br> <br> // _<br> // ]]&gt;<br> <br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> Video Transcript: "Sports Jobs Q&amp;A - Should You Add Personality to Your Professional Profile?"<br> Brian Clapp, Director of Content: Anna from Alpharetta, Georgia has our featured question in our Sports Jobs Q&amp;A column this week.<br> <br> Anna wants to know if it's OK for her to inject some personality and <a title="A Resume Tip to Help Fix a Very Common Mistake" href="">creativity into her resume</a>, cover letter and Linked In profile. She's been asking some of her friends and they all seem to be kind of stodgy and boring - they are advising her to keep everything cold and professional, while she feels like she should add in some creativity.<br> <br> <br> <br> She wants to know what we think and I think it's very simple Anna, it all depends on what type of a job you are applying for.<br> <br> If you are applying for something that requires you to do a lot of creative writing, a TV producer or even in sales where you have to show an ability to connect with clients - it's very important to show creativity and personality because they are attributes for those jobs. So it's up for you to decide, does this job require creativity and personality? If it does, absolutely include those in your personal portfolio.<br> <br> Just remember, being creative does not mean printing out your resume on pink paper so that it stands out from the stack. Creativity is something much different than that - it should show your true self rather than be some gimmick to get noticed.<br> <br> If you are wondering if you have gone too far, I think you have already gone too far. Just make sure you stay in a comfortable zone and that the creativity you display represents you to the best of your ability.<br> <br> Thanks for your question Anna - if you have a question you want answered for our next Sports Jobs Q&amp;A column just add them below in the comments!