Want to be a Sports Journalist? Better Learn This Skill

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: It's the dream of many to become a sports journalist, tasked with <a title="Vicki Michaelis: Shaping the Future of Sports Journalism" href="http://www.workinsports.com/blog/vicki-michaelis-shaping-the-future-of-sports-journalism/" target="_blank">writing compelling sports stories </a>for newspapers, magazines and digital media outlets. But the role has changed, there are new skills and responsibilities you need to be aware of if you want a <a title="Jobs in Sports Media" href="http://www.workinsports.com/sports-media-jobs.asp" target="_blank">job as a sports journalist</a>. We explain in this short video:<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> sports journalist get camera training<br> <br> // <br> <br> Video Transcript for "Want to be a Sports Journalist? Better Learn This Skill"<br> Brian Clapp, Director of Content WorkinSports.com: Years ago <a title="Sports Media Jobs on WorkinSports.com" href="http://www.workinsports.com/search-sports-media-jobs-fr.asp" target="_blank">being a sports journalist</a> meant that you just wrote about sports. Now it doesn't. Blow that out of your mind, change your thoughts. Guys like Rick Reilly, Skip Bayless, Michael Wilbon, Tony Kornheiser - these guys were sports writers who worked for newspapers and won awards for their writing, and now they are all media personalities. They are all on camera.<br> <br> <br> <br> Take it even down to a lower level, analysts on regional sports networks used to be pure sports writers and are now analysts talking on camera, doing reports and performing stand ups.<br> <br> Why do I bring this all up?<br> <br> Because if you want to be a sports journalist, start your <a title="Aspiring Sports Broadcasters – Listen Up!" href="http://www.workinsports.com/blog/aspiring-sports-broadcasters-listen-up/" target="_blank">on camera training now</a>. That is the versatility that stations and networks are looking for. You wil be expected to write for a newspaper, magazine or web site...and be able to go on a local network and talk about the game, and be on Youtube doing a segment on your local sports scene.<br> <br> Sports journalists need to be able to look at a camera, present information and be concise and clear. The last part is a hard thing for writers who are used to creating in a long form manner, on TV they need to be more condensed with their thoughts and articulate quickly. If you want to be a sports journalist this is a skill you need to work on now.<br> <br> If you want to pursure a career as a sports journalist, don't just work on the written word, work on how you present yourself on camera too because that will be a facet of your career.