Trump - Both sides on every issue, Nancy Pelosi Speaks, & Losing Friends Over Politics - 9/14/17

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Hour 1:Thank you so much! ...President Trump has been busy on Twitter today ...Did Trump really change on immigration? ...The president takes both sides on every issue ...Conservatives have no advocate in Washington ...Non-citizens to get the vote. For reals. ...Are conservatives upset with the president today? ...Nancy Pelosi's horrible comparison ...The pronunciation game with Rep. Pelosi ...'Meet Hope Hicks' ...When it's ok to demean a woman ...Why Trump was elected ...ESPN's pathetic double standard ...A listener's VA horror story ...Exonerating Thomas Jefferson ...How many is too many?  Hour 2:When singing is 'proselytizing' ...Iphone intrusion ...How much convenience is too much convenience? ...Losing friends over politics ...Listing the accomplishments of President Trump ...How long will you put up with what's happening in Washington? ...Are you happy with the president? ...Jeffy drops by to take a victory lap? ...Fatberg update! ...Bernie Sanders wants full bore socialized medicine. ...Common Core still cuasing trouble ...How our kids learn history  Hour 3:That wasn't part of the deal, Mr. President ...Where do you go and what do you do? ...Will justice ever come for what happened in Benghazi? ...Pat's favorite place he's ever lived ...Bathroom birth ...Just teach your kids the basics and they will be way ahead ...You're not the only parent struggling to educate your child ...How to avoid nuclear radiation? ...The benefits of living on the road ...Is masculinity 'toxic'? ...TIme to use the left's tactics against them?