Benefits of being illegal, 'Mark of The Beast' has arrived? & Hollywood's carbon footprint - 9/15/17

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Hour 1:'The National Anthem' is being banned ...'Mark of The Beast' has arrived? ...What The ANTIFA movement really stand for ...What illegals get from America ...The benefits of being an illegal ...Gifts from Heaven ...It's a republic, not a democracy ...A DREAMer calls in ...Another statue comes down Hour 2:The Republican House passes a budget...but conservatives vote 'no' ...Anarchy from the left and nobody cares ...Sweden leads the creepiness! ...'Democracy will vote itself to death' ...Hate for the national anthem becoming trendy ...Chanting 'USA, USA!' is offensive ...Vince Flynn's book gets on the big screen this weekend! ...Box Office preview ...Chewing The Fat With Jeffy ...Why do conservatives lose their souls so quickly in DC? ...We live in remarkable times ... Hour 3:Health insurance horror story ...Cashiers, Girl Scouts and other intrusions that make Pat scream ...A listener serenades Jeffy ...Does anyone care about privacy anymore? ...How twisted our society has become and how to survive the end of the world ...Hollywood's carbon footprint ...Biggest celebrity offenders ...How easy is it to be self sufficient? Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV! Twitter @PatUnleashed