Kaepernick/Tebow, Mother!, Nickname for Kim Jong-Un, BYU's lament - 9/18/17

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Hour 1:America to re-enter the Paris Climate agreement?... Constitution pop quiz!... Why do we pay attention to white supremacists and NOT black supremacists?... Which team is worse?... Emmy Award show stupidity... Hollywood can't help themselves... Sean Spicer joins in the fun at the Emmy's... Outcry about Colin Kaepernick but NOT Tim Tebow?... Is 'Mother' the worst movie of the century?... Criminal charges for denying climate 'science'?... North Korea getting bolder... The 'fat little douche' of Asia... Homeschoolers and school sportsHour 2:How bad is the new movie 'Mother!'... What to do with North Korea?... Is it time to nuke a remote island to show Kim Jong-un what we can do?... Inside North Korea... Can North Korea actually reach the US mainland with a missile?... Big flooding in India but nobody is talking about it... Words of wisdom from a black teenager... 'Chewing the Fat' with Jeffy: Rolling Stone magazine is up for sale!... Do you give to the presidential election campaign fund?... Jeffy's Emmy recap... College football is no fun this year and here's why... What capitalism means to Americans...Hour 3:Barack Obama's post-presidency windfall... Is an Obamacare repeal actually about to happen?... A Vietnam Vet discusses his post-war experience in America and his thoughts on Jane Fonda... NFL players taking their protests to the field of play... Top 25 RINOS in DC... Top 25 conservatives in DC... Two hand touch coming to the NFL?... What happens when you don't listen to police... The Tim Tebow legend grows... LGBTQIA - Learn it!!