Are you over the NFL?, Anthony Weiner heads to prison, Politicizing death, Free speech cancelled, & Progressives control EVERYTHING - 9/25/17

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Hour 1: Dear NFL, the kneeling is wearing thin ...Kneeling for America, standing for Great Britain ...Right for a president to call for people to be fired? ...A player who stood. ...What Pat witnessed in Houston this weekend ...A veteran's plea to NFL players ...Dropping a little John Adams wisdom is always a good plan. ...Our constitution was made only for a moral ...A refresher on the goals of communism ...Why are NFL ratings down? ...What the NFL should seriously start concentrating on ...The staff of Sen. Marco Rubio has the last laugh Hour 2: Anthony Weiner is headed to prison ...NFL ratings by the numbers ...Whites shot much more often by police than blacks ...THIS is a eulogy??? ...Politicizing death ...Chewing The Fat with Jeffy: 'Doomsday Bullcrap' ...Don't call 911! ...Hobby Lobby Cotton Lady speaks out ...The latest cover of GQ ...Free Speech Week has been cancelled. No, seriously. Hour 3: Pat's weekend helping with clean up effort in Houston ...Don't forget about Puerto Rico's struggles after Irma and Maria ...2 quotes to keep in mind ...Progressives control EVERYTHING ...What's the first word that comes to mind when you think of President Trump? ...Tax rates changing? ...NFL attendance issues in Los Angeles? ...New super sonic passenger jet coming? ...Time for Americans to get back to space ...Cannibal Couple arrested for...well, you can guess why. ...NFL, you're busted. ...Are NASCAR drivers athletes?