RealNews with David Knight - 2017-Sept-11, Monday - 9/11 Lies: 16 Years Later It Continues to Transform Society

The David Knight Show show

Summary: Join David Knight as he speaks about the changes that have taken place in our great nation since that tragic day 16 years ago, and how the lies have transformed our society.<br><br>Special Guests Include:<br>• James Wesley Rawles - future terror risks as we throw away liberty for safety<br>• Lionel - it took years to wake up even though he was in NYC on 9/11<br><br>Topics:<br>• Like the Revolutionary War, Civil War &amp; WW2, 9/11 was a seminal moment, a turning, that continues to transform society for this generation<br>• Bannon pulls no punches on his first interview after White House, going after GOP establishment<br>• Aftermath and lessons of the mass evacuation of Florida preceding hurricane Irma<br>• EquiFax fraud continues to unfold