Nick Searcy on Hollywood, Racism, DACA and Twitter Trolls

Whiskey Politics show

Summary: <p>Nick Searcy has been seen in American film and television for almost twenty years, but working in Hollywood as an outspoken Conservative isn't easy. In this episode of Whiskey Politics, Nick joins us to discuss how the Left has become the racist party of 'a different form'. Nick also discusses how to engage liberal trolls online, the impact Andrew Breitbart's death had on him, DACA, liberal Republicans being primaried in 2018, their Obamacare repeal promises, and how the Left may be surprised in 2018 and 2020 and how to get your car 'keyed' in tolerant Los Angeles.</p><p>Nick has starred in independent films as well as studio blockbuster hits, including Castaway, The Fugitive, Head of State, Runaway Jury, The Assassination of Richard Nixon, Fried Green Tomatoes, and most recently Moneyball. On television, Nick has been seen in many shows including American Gothic, Criminal Minds, Chicago Hope and has guested on many shows such as The West Wing, Boston Legal, CSI, and Justified.</p><p>For Right of Center types, Nick is also known as an outspoken advocate for conservative causes and doesn’t shy away from controversial issues, especially on his Twitter feed which has a very impressive 69,000 followers @yesnicksearcy. </p><p>Please take a moment and subscribe to Whiskey Politics at YouTube and our audio podcasts at iTunes, Stitcher or GooglePlay where your 5-star rating and REVIEW really can help get the word out about our fledgling production (iTunes especially!) Thank you!</p><p>In Music: Dirty Weekend, Joel Goodman. Out music: Billy Joel, Say Goodbye to Hollywood.</p>